Sunday, December 11, 2005

The Who, What, When, Where, and Why

The Beverly Hillbillies were lucky. They had a 2 minute song that told the whole story of how they came to move to California. Short, simple, and catchy banjo music.

Come and listen to my story bout.....

Theresa and I were happy as clams living in Greenwood, Indiana. Then came an opportunity to work on a year-long project at Lilly's factory in Fegersheim, France. (Thus the title of this blog as "yearinstrasbourg" because Fegersheim is a suburb of Strasbourg and the project is scheduled to run from September 2005 until September 2006). So, here we are in Strasbourg since middle of September.

First, I would like to introduce you to the other people who are sharing the same adventure. These are the other people who, like us, have come here for a year and are part of the expatriot team. From left to right are:
Andrea, (spouse Tim not pictured), Chris (spouse of Jill), Jill, Joe, Irma (Mother of Gabi), Pat, Wade, Tree, Jim, Theresa (spouse of...)

Note that Gabi is not pictured because she is holding the camera.

People who are not qualified as "spouse of" or "mother of" are part of the Lilly project team.

As you can see, if it weren't for Theresa and I, the average age for the group wouldn't even make it into the 30s. But that's ok. Old age and duplicity can beat youth on any day.

Theresa and I are living in Strasbourg in an apartment. Perhaps later I will post on the shock of returning to apartment living. But for now, I give you only a picture of our humble abode.

17 Boulevard Ohmacht, 67000 Strasbourg, France. This is our address. The apartment itself is on the 3rd floor. (3rd if you are counting floors in American style. Europeans say we live on the 2nd floor. Regardless, I still count 3 floors by the stairs going up and down every day.)
The building itself was built nearly 100 years ago in what was called the "imperial period". At that time, the mailing address would have been Germany instead of France. (Strasbourg alternated between France and Germany 5 times between 1870 and 1944. Of course, the verb "alternated" provides no comment on the flesh and blood cost of these changes.)

As a side note, the 2006 Tour de France is scheduled to pass down the street shown above on July 1 of next year. I fear that the parking situation will really be bad on that day.


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