Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Springtime in Alsace

Spring comes to Alsace like a patio and garden show. Every tree seems to burst into bloom and every January dirt-heap becomes a flower bed in May.

For an allergy sufferer, springtime must be purgatory. The pollen is so thick in the air that it settles on flat surfaces overnight. In the mornings, I've had to turn on my wipers to kick off the yellow coating on the windshield of the VW. When it rains (and it rains a lot this year) the puddles are coated with a yellow froth of pollen. The trees, I believe, are mostly to blame for this.

The intro picture is the view from the Place de Republic looking toward the cathedral. Theresa and I are kicking ourselves because we failed to get a picture when the magnolia trees were blooming. For several days, the trees here were glorious. Then, a storm blew in one night and the next day all the blooms were matted on the ground. C'est la vie. Gather ye magnolia buds while ye may.


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