Monday, July 03, 2006

Tour de France - The Birthday Party

Saturday was Theresa's birthday, after all. A good number of our friends came over to celebrate. If the food didn't attract them then the facilities probably did. Our bathroom isn't the cleanest in the world, but I think it was a preferred alternative to the public port-a-johns that were brought in for the Tour.

Opening picture is a bone I throw to my family. Got some complaints that none of the pictures included me. You can see half of Andrea's head, then me, Lucia, Wade, and Rosario. Rosario was a nice surprise. He is Italian and worked previously with us in Geneva. He came up for the day with Andrea's husband, Tim.

This looks like murderers row. At this point, folks were camped out watching the world cup soccer match between Portugal and UK. From right to left are Joe, Mindy, Daniela (Lucia's niece), and Gaby.

This is the view out the window of the apartment. Gives you a feel how far we had to go to watch Tour.

Finally, Theresa decided she was going to fly the colors of the USA. She found a flag and hung it in front of the apartment. Following is a picture of Patrick posing for the folks at home. (Note: The hat was one that was thrown from the caravane that passed before the race. It advertises Skoda, the official car of the Tour de France.)
Theresa was rooting for the Discovery Channel team since that sounded the most American of all the teams. Come to find out, they only have one person from the USA on their team.


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