Saturday, August 19, 2006

Family Comes to Visit

In the final week of July, we were very lucky to have my sisters and nieces vist. (Well, some of my sisters and nieces. Shown above from left to right are Theresa, niece Zoe, sister Jennifer, niece Katy, and sister Eileen. Of course, to the far right is Gabi, our friend from Mexico who might as well be counted as a daughter.

The ladies flew into the Frankfurt airport on July 25th and were remarkably chipper after spending 14 hours or so stuck on airplanes. On the drive back to Strasbourg, we stopped off in Heidelberg, Germany to stretch the legs and keep people from falling asleep. The weather was pretty hot, but the ladies complained not a bit as we visited the castle and the old town center. (Because I left the camera at home, I have no pictures of this day. Jennifer or Eileen, if you can e-mail me some then I will add them to this post.)

The next couple of postings will, of course, try to describe some of the adventures that followed.

Oh, and one last story. The drive from Frankfurt is about a two hour trip, mainly on the German autobahns. Katy and Zoe's first exposure to the German language, then, came from the roadsigns. Of course, they immediately decided their favorite roadsign was the one for "exit"....which of course in German is "ausfahrt". Girls, girls, girls.


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