Sunday, February 12, 2006

Luzern: Part Deux

Again, in the spirit of catching is some added stuff on our trip to Luzern. Make sure you read the main article on Luzern first.

Pictured below are Gabi Vega and Shirl Simpson. Gabi (on the right) is part of the permanent contingent in Strasbourg...which means she will be here until the end of the year. She has, without doubt, the best apartment of any of the expats. It's a testament to her lovable personality that we don't all hate her for that. Shirl, at this time, was on a two week visit from the US to work out organizational structure and security. The red Mountaineer's hat that she is wearing was purchased about 15 minutes before this picture was taken.

This is Theresa on the famous wooden bridge. She is clutching her camera because, at this point, her mission was to take a picture of every single one of the paintings that lined the underside of the bridge.

Following are a couple of shots of the old city walls. There is a ring of hills around the North of the city, and these hills slope down steeply to the lakefront. These walls are built at the very top of those hills. They were obviously built with defense, rather than tourism, in mind. You have to be part goat to climb up to them.

The weird thing is that, once you get up to the top, outside of the walls, you find that the city fathers are grazing cows there. The Swiss and the French seem to have a mystical relationship with cows. I'm still trying to figure it out. When I understand better, I'll try to explain.

Finally, here is another picture of the old bridge tower.


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