Tuesday, June 06, 2006


On the first night of our Louis XIV tour of France, we stopped off for the night in the city of Orléans. My fingers want to type "New Orleans" out of habit. But this is the original...the city whose name was carried to Louisiana by some homesick settler, I suppose.

Orléans' favorite daughter is St. Joan of Arc, who in 1429 rallied the French to a victory over the English in this same city. Every city in France has an "Avenue de Jeanne d'Arc", but here they claim to have the original. The intro picture shows the statue of Joan that figures prominently in the city center.

Also prominent is the Cathédrale Sainte Croix just a few blocks away. This cathedral stands out for the novelty of its spires....which look more like two elaborately frosted wedding cakes instead of the pointy towers of most.

Orléans was a good stopping off point because it is located on the Loire river at start of Chateaux territory. The plan was to hit of couple of these old mansion/castles the next day. For this night, though, we put ourselves up in a hotel that won't be written up in too many tourist magazines. The picture below, taken in our room, gives you a just hint of the interior decorations that gave this place its special ambiance.


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