Saturday, May 06, 2006


We followed the curvey roads down the seaward side of the mountains. Eventually, the road flattened out, met the coast, and followed the coastline toward Saint-Tropez. I suppose that in August, this road would be an overcroweded disaster. But in February, it is a relaxing drive.

If the opposite of short is long, and the opposite of black is white....then surely the opposite of Indiana is Saint-Tropez. Sun, water, boats, mountains, and money are everywhere you look in Saint-Tropez. The place used to be a sleepy little fishing village, they say, until after the Second World War. Then Brigitte Bardot and Roger Vadim came there to live a life of sin and luxury and the place has been going gangbusters since.

Saint-Tropez is full of panoramic views. Below is the view of the harbor. This is the "cheap boat" section.

Following is the town center. If I were on the ball, I'd look up the name of this plaza...but since I'm not it will go unnamed.
For my money, the most spectacular sight in Saint-Tropez is the Tarte Tropezienne. This little desert is a light, creamy custard of citrus that is sandwiched between two halves of a brioche. No doubt, it is the perfect ending after a long day of yachting.


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