Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Cathedral Clock With the Ladies

Monday, July 31 was the last full day in France for Jenny, Eileen, Katy, and Zoe. After having travelled across Germany, France, and Switzerland they reserved this last day for a leisurely tour of Strasbourg.

We started the day at the Cathedral, for the daily spectacle of the Astronomical Clock. The clock does it's big show when it rings Noon, which occurs every day at 12:15. (Evidently, they didn't have standard time zones back in the day when the clock was built.) To watch the clock do its thing, you have to stand in line for a ticket and then stake out a vantage point. Theresa is the old pro at this, and bless her for standing in the hot sun to get tickets. We watched the clock do its thing, which was anticlimactic by that time.

To fill out this post, I leave you with a few photos from inside the cathedral. The first below is the "pillar of angels", which stands near the astronomical clock in the south nave. Legend has it that the devil came riding on the wind one night to check out the newly built church. He went inside and became trapped by the angels in this pillar. Since that day, they say, the breezes always blow strong in the square outside the cathedral, because the wind is still waiting for the devil to come back out.
Finally, being a stained-glass freak, I leave you with a photo of the grand rosette in the facade, and a random window from the North wall.


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