Thursday, September 28, 2006

The US Military Cemetery at Normandy

If you follow the beach roads west from Arromanches, you arrive at the town of Colleville-Sur Mer. This seaside village was in the heart of the 3.5 mile stretch of coast with the codename of Omaha Beach.

Just outside of the village is the cemetery.

The Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial. This place is where they gathered the men who fell in western France during the invasions of 1944. In the movie Saving Private Ryan, this cemetery served as an emotional backdrop - a symbol of the cost of WWII. When you visit in real life, it is humbling. The cost is measured in endless rows of white crosses looking out over the deep blue ocean. Endless rows of white crosses under deep blue skies. I don't really want to say too much, because it doesn't seem right, it doesn't seem respectful. At the risk of disrespect, I include a photo of the grave below. The cross bears no name. It says "Here rests in honored glory a comrade in arms known but to God."


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