Saturday, May 06, 2006


Ramatulle is a little village nestled in the hills around Saint-Tropez. At this point we were becoming immune to stunning scenery. Seen one beautiful view, you've seen them all.

So, here I'd like to make just two points. The first is to share a picture of the typical house in Provence and the Côte d'Azur. The lavender colored trim is something you see on many of the buildings. This is especially apt since lavender, the plant, grows wild in the coastal area and is cultivated commercially in inland Provence.

The second point is a observation on public toilets. The photo below appears to be just a normal hillside street in the town of Ramatuelle. The discerning eye, however, will note the swinging doors to the right. This is the entrance to the public toilets. Behind those swinging doors are a couple of holes in the ground that serve as the portal to all that a human being might eliminate from his/her body. When I say "holes", I do mean exactly that. Holes with the outline of a little foot on each side to serve as an instruction manual in any language. And so it is, intrepid travelers, that we end our day and return back along the coast and inland to our little villa in Tourrettes.


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