Monday, September 04, 2006

The German Wine Road

Theresa and I have spent a lot of time driving through the wine villages in Alsace. On Saturday, September 1 we took a drive through the wine country on the other side of the Rhine, in Germany. Vineyards are spread all up and down the river from the Swiss border up past Heidelberg. They are not as continuous as in Alsace...the German wine regions being made of dispersed smaller areas where the soil and the microclimate converge to make a good spot for grapes. The spot we went to was the Kaiserstuhl, near Freiburg.

The problem I have with German wines is the German language. I can't understand the words they use to describe the different types of wine. Actually, I can't understand the German words to describe most anything. Luckily, we stumbled across a little family operation in the town of Endingen where the husband spoke very good English. The name of the family, and their wine, is Rosswog. Very nice people, they are. Their picture is below.We bought some bottles of pinot noir that he had just taken out of the barrels to bottle the day before. He hadn't yet had time to put the foil over the corks or the labels on the backside of the bottle.


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