Saturday, September 23, 2006

Sentier Gourmand: One Last Look Back

It has been two weeks since the last post. The absence of new posts is explained by two things: First, things have been very busy at work as our project here in France is gearing up for the big finish. Second, we have been doing a little traveling. More on that to come.

Before moving on to new topics, though, I want to take one last look at the Sentier Gourmand. Whenever I think of France from now on, I will think of that day and walking through the vineyards enjoying the food and the wine and the people.

So, in closing, just a few more random memories. The opening picture is Theresa posing by the impromptu cabbage sculpture at the entrance to the choucroute (a.k.a. sauerkraut) tent. Alsatians have a love affair with cabbage. It may be hard to tell from this picture, but these are some impressive cabbages that Theresa is posing besides.

A tidbit for you. In French, if you wanted to say "I love you my darling" you would say "Je t'aime mon chou". Translated literally, one is actually saying "I love you my cabbage". If you want to say that a kid is cute, you say "Il est chou" which literally means "He is cabbage".

No kidding. They love their cabbage.

The picture above is some guy from Germany who came in his lederhosen and his barvarian hat. There were lots of eccentric characters like this fellow in the crowd.

I also need to point out the bag hanging around his neck. You will see this same little cloth pouch around everyone's neck. They gave everone such a bag at the first station of the Sentier Gourmand. At the second station, they gave you a wine glass ( as in real glass) to put in the pouch. As you walked through the vineyards between the stations, they pouch provided a convenient way to carry the wine glass without breaking it.

Finally, a picture of Chris and Jill Hagan picnicking between the grape vines. This picture sums up the day as well as any.


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