Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Clock Shopping in the Schwarzwald

So, the post-before-this-one talked about dining.....dining while on the way to shop for cuckoo clocks. The dining was good and infinitely cheaper than shopping. Ultimately, we finished our meal and with full tummy headed toward the town of Triberg to check out the cuckoo clock shops.

I did not get any pictures of the actual shopping. That would have been obscene. Just let it be understood that a lot of money traded hands and that several clocks were purchased.

The opening photo is of one of the clock shops. (Note....any clock shop that has parking for tour buses is deserving of respect.) The photo below shows the surrounding farms that one would look at while sitting outside the clock shop waiting for one's spouse to complete a purchase. Finally, the picture below shows Irma posing in her best "vamp" pose. We both were waiting outside the clock shop as our family members completed purchases.


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